Support in living life in full bloom.

Holistic psychotherapy for individuals and couples across California.

ā€œAnd the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.ā€ ~ Anais Nin

If you have made your way here you may be in the process of navigating lifeā€™s transitions and challenges longing for support and also seeking meaning. I hold space for those in transition, navigating motherhood and womanhood, career questioning, wanting to create intentional partnership, navigate divorce and/or other life transitions that can bring to the forefront big questions and longings. I often work with folks who are soulful, deep thinking and looking for ways to create a life they crave.

Welcome. Iā€™m Shelley.

I believe people can not only heal from their wounds, but gain a deeper sense of self in the process. I believe healing happens when we honor our whole selves, mind/body/spirit, and create space for wellness including therapy, creative expression, movement, stillness and any other means that honor oneā€™s essence. Ultimately I believe folks long to live lives that are soul-aligned and have an innate wisdom that should be uncovered and honored.

I consider myself a companion on your healing journey and appreciate how sacred this work is. I am here to help you find the words for your inner experience allowing you to create the life you crave, deepen your relationships and increase your sense of self.

In working together I believe in weaving mystic and spiritual concepts with grounded tools and skills to help you feel rooted in your everyday life while also seeking your soulā€™s fulfillment. I am curious about you, gentle and here to help to provide clarity for what you seek.

Therapy can help you:

heal from old and new wounds

create meaningful and lasting relationships

quiet the inner critics

strengthen your sense of self

tap into your inner wisdom

strengthen your intuition

move beyond impostor syndrome

define and deepen your values

nurture your self-expression

tend to your soulā€™s deepest longings

create a life you that feels authentic to you

Ways we can work togetherā€¦

  • Individual Sessions

    Are you looking to feel more fulfilled, satisfied and joyful? These sessions are a container to support you in remembering your wholeness, heal from the past and live a life authentic to you.

  • Couples Sessions

    Longing to feel more connection and desire in your relationship? I am here to help create a dialogue of open and honest conversations, allowing partners to create a values based and intentional partnership.

  • Therapy for Moms

    Do you need support navigating the seasons of motherhood? Maybe you feel lost by dueling desires. I can support you in finding a balance of tending to your soul as a woman and a mother.

I Believeā€¦

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We are in a time that people long to feel better, more fulfilled and connected.

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Feeling seen, heard and valued is incredibly healing.

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Everyone has their own innate wisdom to be honored.


Are we a fit?

This is a great question. Therapy is a deeply personal experience and the first step for showing up for yourself in this way is making sure you are comfortable. For this very reason, I offer a complimentary 20 minute consultation. For more information about services and scheduling visit here.

Glad you are here.